Discover 15 easy-to-implement tips for keeping your house clean effortlessly. Learn quick daily routines and practical advice for maintaining an organized home. Say goodbye to clutter and hello to cleanliness with these simple tips.
We all want our homes to be a sanctuary of order, but let’s face it: life can get messy. From busy schedules to unexpected surprises, maintaining a clean house can feel like an uphill battle. But fear not! With a few simple tips and tricks, you can transform your living space into a haven of cleanliness.
In this blog post, we’ll share 15 easy-to-follow strategies that will help you stay on top of household chores and keep your home looking its best. Whether you’re a busy parent, a working professional, or just someone who wants to enjoy a clean house, these tips are sure to make your life easier.
Are you ready to say goodbye to clutter and hello to cleanliness? Let’s get started!

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15 Simple Tips To Keep Your House Clean
- Keep your kitchen table or dining room table clutter free.
Your kitchen table should be cleared except for a centerpiece or napkin holder. It will always be ready for kid’s homework or meal time.
2. Place dirty dishes in the dishwasher, put leftovers in the refrigerator, and put items back in cabinets after each meal.
This will save time with kitchen clean-up.
3. Empty your trash can before it overflows.
Your kitchen trash can probably gets regularly emptied because it is used frequently and in a visible area.
Bathroom trash cans or office trash cans that are out of sight may be forgotten about. Regularly, empty those trash cans before piles of trash appear next to the trash can.
4. Less is more on a coffee table.
Your coffee table is the center of visual attention in your living room. Too much stuff on your coffee table can make your room look cluttered.
5. Put away items when you are finished with them.
Kids tend to leave games, toys and books out. Make it a habit with your kids to put away their toys before getting another toy out.
It is easier to find items when they are put away. I frequently hear, “mom where is….” when the house is a mess.
6. Spend 5-10 minutes at the end of each day putting things away.
Look around your living room; did you leave the mail on the end table? Now is the time to put it away. Are your shoes at the front door? Take a moment to put them away.
If you spend 5-10 minutes every night putting things away, your house will look cleaner and it will be easier to keep it clean.
I set the timer and see how much I can put away before the timer goes off. It is also a fun game with the kids. I set the timer and ask them if they can pick up their toys before the timer goes off.
7. Look at your storage space.
Are games and toys piling up on the floor because your children can’t reach the shelf? You may need to create lower shelf units that your kids can reach.
Do you keep items on your kitchen counter because you don’t have room in your cabinets? Spend some time organizing your kitchen cabinets to make room.
Keeping items on the counter makes your kitchen seem small and cluttered.
8. Organize your papers.
Piles of papers on your counters and end tables makes your house appear cluttered. Organize your papers into file folders, magazine racks or computer files.
9. Make your bed every morning.
It makes your room look neater and nothing feels better at the end of a long day than a freshly made bed.
10. Spend 2 minutes doing a clean sweep in your bedroom daily.
Use these 2 minutes to put away items on top of your dresser and on the floor. You will be surprised at how much stuff you can put away in 2 minutes.
11. Donate or sell items that you no longer use.
Do you have toys or games that your kids no longer play with? Spend some time and donate or sell outgrown toys, games, and clothes.
This will make room on your shelves and help your house feel less cluttered.
It is easier to keep a house clean if you have fewer items to clean.
12. Practice the “one in, one out rule.”
If you bring something new into the house, you must remove something old.
For example, if you buy a new shirt, you should donate an old shirt. This will help your closets from becoming overcluttered.
13. Use large labels for all of your boxes that you can see from a distance.
When you are looking for something, you don’t want to empty many boxes to find what you need. Especially if you are the type to empty the boxes looking for something in a hurry, but you don’t put the stuff back in the box.
14. Have routines.
Do it the same way every time. When you come home, put your keys in the same place every day, put your purse in the same spot.
Get in the habit of doing the dishes every night.
This not only helps your house look neater, but it will save you time. You don’t need to waste time looking for your keys or purse because they are now in the same spot everyday.
15. Designate a place for everything.
Do you have multiple pairs of shoes lying around the house? Keep your shoes in one spot, it will make your house look cleaner and will save you time looking for your shoes every morning.
I love the fact that in addition to my house looking cleaner, I also spend less time looking for stuff.
No more wasting time in the mornings looking for keys. No more wasting time looking for a piece of paper for my child’s school in a huge pile of papers on the counter.
Keys are placed on a key hanger by the door. School papers are placed in my son’s magazine rack (that I use for papers) on the counter.
When people come over, they no longer see piles of papers and keys scattered around my kitchen.
Key Points To Remember
Take 5-10 minutes everyday to pick up and put away things. You will be surprised at how much cleaner your house looks after 5-10 minutes.
Get your kids involved. Make picking up toys a game. See how many toys they can pick up in 5 minutes.
I understand that you are busy and overwhelmed. You will feel less stressed, when your house is organized.
These simple organization tips will keep your house looking clean and you will spend less time cleaning.